Newsletter 51 (2022)
Newsletter issue No 51 (2022) has been released and can be found under Activities section - EURASLIC Newsletters.
The 51th issue brings overview of 48th IAMSLIC Conference, International Ocean Data Conference 2022, shows joint educational activities
regarding ASFA and AquaDocs and brings other interesting information, as well as announcement of EURASLIC 20th conference.
Save the date - EURASLIC XX
EURASLIC XX, 20th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Aquatic Sciences Libraries and Information Centres
will be held as in person conference in Brussels, Belgium from 3-5 May 2023.
Save the date!
Newsletter 51- call for contributions
It is our great pleasure to invite you to contribute to the 2022 issue of the EURASLIC Newsletter!
If you have anything interesting to share this is your opportunity. You can write about interesting ideas, projects or acitvities at your library, share some experiences, introducing new services, sharing information about conference/workshop that you have participated in or announce the upcoming ones etc.
You can also present a new book or a movie from the field of information sciences/librarianship, or any related entertaining information.
Your contributions are welcomed!
Call for abstracts International Ocean Data Conference – II
“International Ocean Data Conference – II”, to be held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France between 20-21 March 2023 (as a hybrid event).
The IODC-II will focus on the implementation of those commitments and recommendations, and report on the problems faced, solutions found, lessons learned and challenges identified.
Abstracts for oral presentations to be submitted before 15 November 2022 for the following sessions:
- Session 1: Implementing the fair and care principles for ocean science and sustainable development
- Session 2: Community engagement and capacity development in data literacy
- Session 3: Global ocean digital ecosystem
- Session 4: Interdisciplinarity, societal needs