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ODINECET Journals catalogue

This catalogue gives access to the Union List of serials available at the ODINECET-Group aquatic libraries. Full records of serials published in the ECET-region, and holdings per library at the following institutions are already included:


  • Russian Federal Research Institute of Fishery and Oceanography/VNIRO (Russia)
  • Polar Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (Russia)
  • Research Institute of the Azov Sea Fisheries Problems (Russia)
  • AtlantNIRO (Russia)
  • K.A. Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy (Russia)
  • Limnological Institute RAN (Russia)
  • Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas (Ukraine)
  • Marine Hydrophysical Institute (Ukraine)
  • Estonian Marine Institute of the University of Tartu (Estonia)

A priority goal is to optimize Interlibrary Lending Service within the Association through improvement of the access to detailed information on serials available at the aquatic libraries of Central and Eastern Europe. Requests for articles from this catalogue can be sent through the EURASLIC mailinglist. For this service, you have to be a member of EURASLIC, please consult these pages to learn how to become a member.

All interested aquatic libraries in the ECET-region are invited to add information about their serial holdings to the List. Go to the ODINECET-website and contact the group responsible on how to join this initiative.

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IMIS - the Integrated Marine Information System - provides information about datasets, publications, people, and institutions that are related to marine sciences carried out in Flanders and within projects in which Flemish institutes are participating.

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