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How to join

Benefits for members

Each EURASLIC member enjoys following benefits:

  • Opportunity to publish in open access publications, such as the Euraslic Newsletter and the conference proceedings
  • Access to the full contact details of all member institutes and persons.
  • Access to the Grants and sponsorships
  • Access to the ODINECET Journals catalogue, with the possibility of posting ILL-requests.
  • Access to the EURASLIC Directory.
  • The biennial conference where a forum is provided for networking with your colleagues throughout Europe, for attending workshops focused on aquatic information management, for updating your professional knowledge in information and library management, and for presenting your own work and projects to an international community of peers.
  • Support of a vast European community, i.e. lobby group, in matters of aquatic information management.

Members of EURASLIC are IAMSLIC members, and can enjoy IAMSLIC benefits as well, including access to  IAMSLIC Z39.50 Distributed Library.




Membership shall be open to all European persons and European organizations having an interest in library and information science as it is applied to the aquatic sciences and related disciplines.

Personal Membership

Any eligible person may become a Personal Member on the payment of the appropriate annual fee. Personal Members shall have the right to vote and to hold any office.

Institutional Membership

Any eligible organization may become an Institutional Member on the payment of the appropriate annual fee. Institutional Members shall nominate one person with the right to vote and to hold any office.

Associate Membership

Associate Membership shall be open to those European persons or European organizations that are not able to pay for Personal or Institutional Membership, or those who are not eligible for geographic reasons. European persons who are Associate Members or who represent a European organization that holds Associate Membership, may vote and hold office. Associate members who are not eligible for geographic purposes, may not vote or hold office, and shall pay for services that they receive.

Honorary Membership

Any eligible member may be nominated for Honorary Member status for exceptional services to the Association. Any Member may nominate another Member for Honorary Member status and the Membership will be asked to vote in accordance with Article 9, Section 4 and Section 5 of the Bylaws.


Membership application form

Join EURASLIC and apply for membership or renew your memberhsep using Membership-Application

Membership fee:

For prospective members from high-income countries*
Membership:  1 year-$65.00 (US).-    2 years-$130.-    3 years- $150.-**

For prospective members from low and middle income countries*
Membership:  1 year- $25.00 (US).-     2 years-$50.-      3 years- $60.-

For retired members
Membership:  1 year- $25.00 (US).-    2 years-$50.-      3 years-$60.-

For students
Membership:  1 year- $25.00 (US).-    2 years-$50.-     3 years-$60.-

* Please see the World Bank list of countries by income groups to determine the category.

**Please note that bank charges are not included in the fees.

If you would like to pay by credit card, bank transfer or through a journal subscription agent,
or have questions regarding payment please contact Kristen LaBonte at timmsgp(at) for details.

Mail to:

Geoffrey Timms
Marine Resources Library
P.O. Box 12559,
Charleston, SC 29422-2559
United States of America

Email: timmsgp(at)

Members list

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