Registration for the 49th IAMSLIC Conference is now open! Program available,
Registration for the 49th IAMSLIC Conference is now open!
The conference committee is in the final stages of putting together a program on the theme of What we do matters: Libraries, climate change, and transformation, with presentations from IAMSLIC members from around the world, plus invited speakers on topics of traditional ecological knowledge, kelp forests, and coastal marine ecology, and some fun activities as well.
Thanks to the generous support of Inter-Research, there is possibility for sponsored conference registrations for IAMSLIC members from low-mid income countries.
More at:
Program is avilable at:
The schedule is in Pacific Daylight Time (9 hours behind Central European Summer Time).
2024 Ocean Decade Conference
2024 will mark the fourth year of implementation of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030). Under the leadership of UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, the Ocean Decade has already galvanized thousands of partners around the world to start delivering the science we need for the ocean we want.
If you want to find out what should be the key areas for action over the next three to five years join the 2024 Ocean Decade Conference "Delivering the science we need for the ocean we want".
The conference will be hosted by the Government of Spain in Barcelona from 10 - 12 April 2024, will bring together the global Ocean Decade community and partners to celebrate and take stock of progress, and set joint priorities for the future.
There are no registration fees to participate in the Conference; however, at the time of full registration, participants will be kindly asked to make a modest financial contribution to a travel fund to support travel for selected participants from Small Island Developing States and Least Developed Countries and Early Career Ocean Professionals. This contribution will not be compulsory but will be greatly appreciated and will help ensure that no one is left behind in the Ocean Decade!
Pre-registration deadline extended until 30 October 2023.
49th Annual IAMSLIC Conference - submission date extended
Call for proposals has re-opened for POSTERS. Proposals are due August 18, 2023.
49th Annual IAMSLIC Conference will be hosted virtually by the University of British Columbia Library from Monday Oct 23 to Thursday Oct 26, 2023. Inspired by the UN IPCC’s core message, the 2023 conference theme is What we do matters: Libraries, climate change, and transformation.
Presentation sessions and posters related to climate change, libraries, and the following sub-themes are welcomed: Access ; Action on climate change and biodiversity loss ; Change and transformation ; Citizen science and monitoring ; Climate justice and equity ; Community and collaboration ; Data and research ; Historical sources ; Impacts and adaptation ; Library priorities and culture ; Misinformation, disinformation, and information literacy ; Restoration work ; Traditional practice and knowledge ; United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
EURASLIC XX short overview
Four years have passed since the last in-person meeting of the EURASLIC members. Celebrating 35 years of EURASLIC along with 20th EURASLIC Biennial Conference was reason good enough to meet again.
EURASLIC XX conference was held in Brussels, Belgium, from May 3 – 5, 2023, under the title Sustainability and infodiversity: (aquatic) libraries strengthening biodiversity knowledge. The conference started with a welcome speech and ice-breaker. After a short intoduction participants were ready for a picnic or for the conference. Short overview of EURASLIC history was followed by an invited lecture on The evolving role of marine information in the IODE programme. The conference covered diverse topics.
Several Research Information System were presented (FRIS, PURE, CroRIS). Focus was given also on open science and data management & publishing. The publishing was also mentioned from the perspective of gray publishing and predatory publishers among us. Participants were updated on ASFA projects. During OpenASFA workshop new records were created and the best ones won the price. The workshop was followed by presentation on AquaDocs. Open Science was also topic of the poster by Flanders Hydraulics Research speaking on optimising disclosure & visibility through an expert platform, while the other poster brought light on the history of fake news. BIOR was represented by an institutional report. After a successful day conference dinner was ideal for an informal gathering. During the conference Board and Business meetings were held, election results announced, new Board appointed. Scientific part was fulfilled thanks to the field trip to The Research Center for Aquatic Fauna in Linkebeek.
The conference incorporated a wellness aspect into the programme and offered delegates the opportunity to take a wellness walk at lunch or some seated yoga, or mindfulness practice in a quiet space which was accomplished mostly by walking from hotel to INBO, or to the city center, and a little yoga on the train.
The conference host (INBO e.g. Bart and his team) apart for putting enormous effort in perfect organisation ordered a nice weather for the conference which is rare these days. So participants could fully enjoy their stay at Bruxelles, Tour&Taxis site, visit to The Royal Depot multifunctional and multi-tenant building, and not the forget INBO Herman Teirlinck building, modern and new building.